energy units online conversion

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Free Online Energy Measurement Converter

The Online Energy Converter from Intemodino is a free online energy conversion service that allows you to convert energy units. You can convert Joule (J), Kilojoule (kJ), calorie (cal), Calorie (Kilocalorie) (Cal(kcal)), Watt hour (W * h), Kilowatt hour (kW * h), Electronvolt (eV), British thermal unit (Btu), US therm (therm (US)), Foot-pound (ft * lbf). Intemodino Energy Converter is an easy to use free online converter.
You can convert energy values in decimal format as well as in fractional format. To switch input between decimal values and fractions please click the switch button ('⊟'/'▭').
Just select the from and to energy units, enter the value and click the 'CONVERT' button.

KW * h conversion formulas and factors

The kW * h to ft * lbf conversion factor is 2655223.73739816
1 kW * h = 2655223.73739816 ft * lbf
To convert X kilowatts hour to foot-pounds you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts hour × 2655223.73739816 = Result in foot-pounds

The kW * h to therm (US) conversion factor is 0.03412956
1 kW * h = 0.03412956 therm (US)
To convert X kilowatts hour to us therms you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts hour × 0.03412956 = Result in us therms

The kW * h to Btu conversion factor is 3412.14163313
1 kW * h = 3412.14163313 Btu
To convert X kilowatts hour to british thermal units you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts hour × 3412.14163313 = Result in british thermal units

The kW * h to eV conversion factor is 22469427535159973577228288
1 kW * h = 22469427535159973577228288 eV
To convert X kilowatts hour to electronvolts you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts hour × 22469427535159973577228288 = Result in electronvolts

The kW * h to W * h conversion factor is 1000
1 kW * h = 1000 W * h
To convert X kilowatts hour to watts hour you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts hour × 1000 = Result in watts hour

The kW * h to Cal(kcal) conversion factor is 860.4206501
1 kW * h = 860.4206501 Cal(kcal)
To convert X kilowatts hour to calories(kilocalories) you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts hour × 860.4206501 = Result in calories(kilocalories)

The kW * h to cal conversion factor is 860420.6500956
1 kW * h = 860420.6500956 cal
To convert X kilowatts hour to calories you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts hour × 860420.6500956 = Result in calories

The kW * h to kJ conversion factor is 3600
1 kW * h = 3600 kJ
To convert X kilowatts hour to kilojoules you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts hour × 3600 = Result in kilojoules

The kW * h to J conversion factor is 3600000
1 kW * h = 3600000 J
To convert X kilowatts hour to joules you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilowatts hour × 3600000 = Result in joules

KW * h conversion chart/table

1 kW * h = 2655223.73739816 ft * lbf
1 kW * h = 0.03412956 therm (US)
1 kW * h = 3412.14163313 Btu
1 kW * h = 22469427535159973577228288 eV
1 kW * h = 1000 W * h
1 kW * h = 860.4206501 Cal(kcal)
1 kW * h = 860420.6500956 cal
1 kW * h = 3600 kJ
1 kW * h = 3600000 J

Cal(kcal) conversion formulas and factors

The Cal(kcal) to ft * lbf conversion factor is 3085.96003258
1 Cal(kcal) = 3085.96003258 ft * lbf
To convert X calories(kilocalories) to foot-pounds you should use the following conversion formula:
X calories(kilocalories) × 3085.96003258 = Result in foot-pounds

The Cal(kcal) to therm (US) conversion factor is 0.00003967
1 Cal(kcal) = 0.00003967 therm (US)
To convert X calories(kilocalories) to us therms you should use the following conversion formula:
X calories(kilocalories) × 0.00003967 = Result in us therms

The Cal(kcal) to Btu conversion factor is 3.96566683
1 Cal(kcal) = 3.96566683 Btu
To convert X calories(kilocalories) to british thermal units you should use the following conversion formula:
X calories(kilocalories) × 3.96566683 = Result in british thermal units

The Cal(kcal) to eV conversion factor is 26114468001974809788416
1 Cal(kcal) = 26114468001974809788416 eV
To convert X calories(kilocalories) to electronvolts you should use the following conversion formula:
X calories(kilocalories) × 26114468001974809788416 = Result in electronvolts

The Cal(kcal) to kW * h conversion factor is 0.00116222
1 Cal(kcal) = 0.00116222 kW * h
To convert X calories(kilocalories) to kilowatts hour you should use the following conversion formula:
X calories(kilocalories) × 0.00116222 = Result in kilowatts hour

The Cal(kcal) to W * h conversion factor is 1.16222222
1 Cal(kcal) = 1.16222222 W * h
To convert X calories(kilocalories) to watts hour you should use the following conversion formula:
X calories(kilocalories) × 1.16222222 = Result in watts hour

The Cal(kcal) to cal conversion factor is 1000
1 Cal(kcal) = 1000 cal
To convert X calories(kilocalories) to calories you should use the following conversion formula:
X calories(kilocalories) × 1000 = Result in calories

The Cal(kcal) to kJ conversion factor is 4.184
1 Cal(kcal) = 4.184 kJ
To convert X calories(kilocalories) to kilojoules you should use the following conversion formula:
X calories(kilocalories) × 4.184 = Result in kilojoules

The Cal(kcal) to J conversion factor is 4184
1 Cal(kcal) = 4184 J
To convert X calories(kilocalories) to joules you should use the following conversion formula:
X calories(kilocalories) × 4184 = Result in joules

Cal(kcal) conversion chart/table

1 Cal(kcal) = 3085.96003258 ft * lbf
1 Cal(kcal) = 0.00003967 therm (US)
1 Cal(kcal) = 3.96566683 Btu
1 Cal(kcal) = 26114468001974809788416 eV
1 Cal(kcal) = 0.00116222 kW * h
1 Cal(kcal) = 1.16222222 W * h
1 Cal(kcal) = 1000 cal
1 Cal(kcal) = 4.184 kJ
1 Cal(kcal) = 4184 J

KJ conversion formulas and factors

The kJ to ft * lbf conversion factor is 737.56214928
1 kJ = 737.56214928 ft * lbf
To convert X kilojoules to foot-pounds you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilojoules × 737.56214928 = Result in foot-pounds

The kJ to therm (US) conversion factor is 0.00000948
1 kJ = 0.00000948 therm (US)
To convert X kilojoules to us therms you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilojoules × 0.00000948 = Result in us therms

The kJ to Btu conversion factor is 0.94781712
1 kJ = 0.94781712 Btu
To convert X kilojoules to british thermal units you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilojoules × 0.94781712 = Result in british thermal units

The kJ to eV conversion factor is 6241507648655548481536
1 kJ = 6241507648655548481536 eV
To convert X kilojoules to electronvolts you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilojoules × 6241507648655548481536 = Result in electronvolts

The kJ to kW * h conversion factor is 0.00027778
1 kJ = 0.00027778 kW * h
To convert X kilojoules to kilowatts hour you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilojoules × 0.00027778 = Result in kilowatts hour

The kJ to W * h conversion factor is 0.27777778
1 kJ = 0.27777778 W * h
To convert X kilojoules to watts hour you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilojoules × 0.27777778 = Result in watts hour

The kJ to Cal(kcal) conversion factor is 0.23900574
1 kJ = 0.23900574 Cal(kcal)
To convert X kilojoules to calories(kilocalories) you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilojoules × 0.23900574 = Result in calories(kilocalories)

The kJ to cal conversion factor is 239.00573614
1 kJ = 239.00573614 cal
To convert X kilojoules to calories you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilojoules × 239.00573614 = Result in calories

The kJ to J conversion factor is 1000
1 kJ = 1000 J
To convert X kilojoules to joules you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilojoules × 1000 = Result in joules

KJ conversion chart/table

1 kJ = 737.56214928 ft * lbf
1 kJ = 0.00000948 therm (US)
1 kJ = 0.94781712 Btu
1 kJ = 6241507648655548481536 eV
1 kJ = 0.00027778 kW * h
1 kJ = 0.27777778 W * h
1 kJ = 0.23900574 Cal(kcal)
1 kJ = 239.00573614 cal
1 kJ = 1000 J

J conversion formulas and factors

The J to ft * lbf conversion factor is 0.73756215
1 J = 0.73756215 ft * lbf
To convert X joules to foot-pounds you should use the following conversion formula:
X joules × 0.73756215 = Result in foot-pounds

The J to therm (US) conversion factor is 0.00000001
1 J = 0.00000001 therm (US)
To convert X joules to us therms you should use the following conversion formula:
X joules × 0.00000001 = Result in us therms

The J to Btu conversion factor is 0.00094782
1 J = 0.00094782 Btu
To convert X joules to british thermal units you should use the following conversion formula:
X joules × 0.00094782 = Result in british thermal units

The J to eV conversion factor is 6241507648655548416
1 J = 6241507648655548416 eV
To convert X joules to electronvolts you should use the following conversion formula:
X joules × 6241507648655548416 = Result in electronvolts

The J to kW * h conversion factor is 0.00000028
1 J = 0.00000028 kW * h
To convert X joules to kilowatts hour you should use the following conversion formula:
X joules × 0.00000028 = Result in kilowatts hour

The J to W * h conversion factor is 0.00027778
1 J = 0.00027778 W * h
To convert X joules to watts hour you should use the following conversion formula:
X joules × 0.00027778 = Result in watts hour

The J to Cal(kcal) conversion factor is 0.00023901
1 J = 0.00023901 Cal(kcal)
To convert X joules to calories(kilocalories) you should use the following conversion formula:
X joules × 0.00023901 = Result in calories(kilocalories)

The J to cal conversion factor is 0.23900574
1 J = 0.23900574 cal
To convert X joules to calories you should use the following conversion formula:
X joules × 0.23900574 = Result in calories

The J to kJ conversion factor is 0.001
1 J = 0.001 kJ
To convert X joules to kilojoules you should use the following conversion formula:
X joules × 0.001 = Result in kilojoules

J conversion chart/table

1 J = 0.73756215 ft * lbf
1 J = 0.00000001 therm (US)
1 J = 0.00094782 Btu
1 J = 6241507648655548416 eV
1 J = 0.00000028 kW * h
1 J = 0.00027778 W * h
1 J = 0.00023901 Cal(kcal)
1 J = 0.23900574 cal
1 J = 0.001 kJ

Saturday, February 15, 2025
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